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Plastics are a part of our lives.  Does that mean that we should make more and more?  How many products can we do without plastic?

Alternatives may cost a little more up front, but then may pay off by putting money back in our pockets and reducing our footprint ecologically. 


We offer quality canvas bags.  They are handcrafted locally. 

Online ordering will be available soon. 
Order now by emailing


We are also interested in discussing quantity discounts for your business. 

Landfill Waste

Each year, we use 1 billion plastic shopping bags, creating 300,000 tons of landfill waste.



Bring Your Own Bag is a project that the Earth Circle of Grand Rapids has been working on for over 3 years.  They would like to see an end to plastic bags.

Bag It



If you are interested in learning more about the plastic bag problem, see the movie Bag It

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